Μαρτίου 22, 2013

Mακιγιάζ: τι σημαίνει η κάθε παραλλαγή του;

 Μιλάμε για την υπέρτατη μετάφραση του τι εννοούν τα κορίτσια με τις επιλογές μακιγιάζ που κάνουν. Πρέπει να ξέρετε αγγλικά (μάλλον αρκετά καλά) για να το παρακολουθήσετε, αλλά αξίζει και με το παραπάνω. Δεν θα ξαναδείτε τις glitter σκιές ματιών ποτέ ξανά με το ίδιο μάτι...

Πολύ καλή δουλειά με το "συμβολικό" μακιγιάζ που ανανεώνεται σε κάθε σκηνή και το αντίστοιχο editing που κόβει-ράβει το φιλμ για να φαίνεται αυτό που σχολιάζεται. Jenna Marbles, μόλις κέρδισες μια θαυμάστρια.

Μαρτίου 05, 2013

Τριχο-μυθίες...το ράδιο αρβύλα των μαλλιών

Οι μύθοι για τις τρίχες μας (της κεφαλής και μη) είναι από τους πιο διαδεδομένους, ίσως γιατί απασχολούν σχεδόν τους πάντες. Δεν πας να εξηγείς ότι, αν ίσχυε το ότι ξεριζώνοντας μια τρίχα δύο βγαίνουν στην θέση της οι άνθρωποι με αρχή φαλάκρας θα είχαν λύσει το πρόβλημά τους, ο μεσαιωνισμός και μεσσιανισμός βρίσκουν πολύ υλικό και πρόθυμους υποστηρικτές.

Για να μην μιλάω εγώ από καθέδρας, ιδού τα γεγονότα από τους ειδικούς στο Beauty Press  (MD, για να συννενοούμαστε, δηλαδή Doctor of Medicine, γιατροί, όχι κομμώτριες και λοιπές δημοκρατικές δυνάμεις)

Hair experts Elise Olsen MD and Valerie Callender MD help you think twice about believing everything you hear.

 "Frequent trims makes your hair grow faster" 
We have heard this myth so many times from our hairdressers who are scissor happy. Think about it, if you are trying to grow out your hair, why would you cut your hair so often; you're just cutting off any new growth. Truth is, hair grows about half-inch per month whether its cut or not. That doesn't mean stop cutting your hair altogether, adding an occasional trim (when needed) will take care of any split ends and prevent them from traveling higher up the hair- so you wouldn't have to cut more later on.

 "If you pluck out one gray hair, more will sprout in its place"
We all have had that feeling when we see our first gray hair, tempted to pull it but are afraid of this common myth. It's been proven that pulling out one gray hair will not cause many more to sprout out, but it can eventually damage that root which causes infections and scarring.

 "You can mend split ends with the right products"
As much as this pains us to say (and believe) there is no magical product that will mend split ends. There are many products that will make them appear temporarily smoother, but the only way to get rid of split ends is to chop them off.

 "You have to constantly switch up your products because your hair will get used to it" 
We ourselves used to believe this myth. Truth is, hair cannot tell a difference between brands or build up a tolerance to any product. If you find that your shampoo/conditioner isn't working its magic like usual try swamping once a week to a clarifying shampoo to remove any excess build-up.

 "Natural shampoos are the only kind that are gentle enough for hair" 
This is definitely not true. The hair industry has certainly excelled and companies have noted that consumers want gentle options too. There are many shampoos on today's market that are sulfate free, contain natural oils, and are proven to be gentle enough not to weaken the hair.

 "If your hair is falling out, you should be concerned" 
This is 100% normal, up to 100 hair sheds a day because your hair is constantly going through a hair cycle. The hair that is shed will be replaced. If you find that you are losing more hair than normal, then visiting your dermatologist will be best to help you further.